Thursday, October 30, 2008

When people ask you if you are pregnant...and you're not.

About 2 months ago while I was still on maternity leave, I decided to be adventurous and take Baby O out for a walk in my Moby Wrap. We walked only about 4 houses away, when a neighbor who is always holed up in her house was outside. Whenever I saw her before, she would always run away and hide in her house . . . but not this time.

I started talking to her and she asked how old Baby O was . . . I said that he was 2 months (this is key to know this). We talked more about random things. Then . . . she asked me it . . . wait, I don't think she asked me, rather said matter of factly . . . "So you're pregnant."

Me, in shock, said something to the fact, that "no, I wasn't, but I am hoping to have more kids soon, blah, blah, blah." I sort of chuckled and said something like, "still tryin to lose the baby weight and this extra stomach weight was hard to get rid of". (It really is hard to get rid of, my body is so not the same as before Baby O.)

I left shortly after that and started thinking, "wait, she thought I was pregnant? I have a 2 month old baby and pretty much that is impossible to be pregnant enough again to be showing."

What was she thinking?

Speaking of people asking if you are pregnant, I've got a great story for another time about my mom asking someone if she is pregnant...another time.

Lesson learned, never, ever, ever ask someone if they are pregnant, even if they are 9 months pregnant. Speaking of people asking if you are pregnant at 9 months, I have another great story about someone I lived with who was 9 months pregnant and people kept asking her that...and she would say no. Another time, another story.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Baby O got his first vaccine shots today . . . it was no fun. He cried, but I think he should be ok. No fever that I know of and he was only a little cranky.

Man, the nurse just jammed the shots into his legs and she was done in no time.

I actually waited until his 4 month appointment to even start his vaccines. I am waiting for the Hep B...for a few years. I also didn't get the rotovirus vaccine at all. I am going forward with the rest, but wanted to wait until he was big enough.

He's asleep now, so hopefully there are no side effects to his shots.

this is for all the things that don't make me happy

I hope to not have a million things...