In my quest to find decent diapers, that are reasonably priced, I decided to try Huggies. They're name brand, they're commercials say they are reliable.....WRONG! Huggies suck....actually, they don't suck up any of the peep and poop.
NEVER BUY HUGGIES...they don't work. I've had more leaks and explosions with these diapers in the past week, than I have had in the past year with my Costco generic diapers.
The regular Huggies didn't work on Cade at all, in fact I hated the regular ones too. I always got the Huggies supreme which worked much, much better. I didn't have much luck with Pampers either (tried them on all kids). I found that the two kinds of diapers I liked were Luvs and Huggies supreme, it just depended on which one worked best for each kid.
I'm with you and the Costco generics...price can't be beat, and I have at least no more leaks than any other brand I tried! (and soon hopefully we won't have any more diapers...yeah!)
Costco generics all the way!
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